Sunday, November 17, 2013

21 April 1994

     Today began as just another day - a day that I was to go to work at the Health Dept and so I was up around 5:30am, Bob & I are slow to rise these days but once up seem to function mechanically ... dress, brush teeth, animal chores, trash .. Family first video in van for Ken Defane.  Bob drinks breakfast (Slim Fast) and then he gathers our lunches.  This morning he insists on stopping to feed and water the duck and then we're off.  I am busy now crocheting a baby afghan and most of the way I discuss with Bob my feelings about family - time and quality - or rather - lack of it.  I question how we will teach our children what family is all about if we are not the example.

     Just past the dam, on the bypass, Bob pulls over to the side of the road.  I ask if we are having mechanical problems and he reassures me we are not.  I ask why we have pulled over - he responds by telling me he doesn't feel well - numbness - chest tightness. At this I lifted my gaze from my lap of crocheting and looked at bob - eye to eye - he looked pale and grey - sweaty - and very ill.

     I knew what I had to do.  I got out of the van and ran around to the drivers side, I got in behind the wheel.  It was a real struggle - but I knew I had to do something.  I drove to the intersection of the by-pass and hwy 110.  I had to decide which way to go - Bob suggested Hwy 110 through town.  His color was worse and he asked that I pull off as he thought he was going to be sick.  He wasn't - we continued.  We were in town when Bob stumped over - I thought he was dead.  He sat up again - he continued to look worse.  I sped through town, arriving at the [Clebourne County] CC Hospital Emergency entrance.  My body was wedged in and difficult to remove from the van but I did and ran into the ER.  I spotted a nurse and screamed for help.  The ER came alive - nurses with wheel chairs - calls being made - doctors arriving - Bob was on a gurney - they were running EKG's and starting IV's - so much was happening so fast.  I called Ken Defane - he and Ken Dows came.  I called the Health Dept.  - Hazel came.  Dr. Vaughan came - x-rays being taken - blood being drawn - meds administered IV - monitors hooked up - Bob looks terrible.

     They confirm that he is having a heart attack.  The Dr. speaks to me of a new medication - Strepto Kynase that dissolves clots and stops the heart attack.  Bob agrees although there are side effects - hemorhage - stroke .. so I agree.  They watch for bleeding - he is vomiting now - blood in basin - they have sent for Med-Flight to transport him to Little Rock to Baptist Med Ctr.  Ken Dows & Ron Tillman administer a blessing to him.  So many decisions - I just can't deal with this.  I call Lynn - Ken is getting his wife to come after me to take me to L.R.  Hel[i]copter arrives and the transfer begins.  The flight person[n]el are great - he leaves in the hel[i]copter headed to Little Rock.

     We take the Vanagon to the Health Dept. to leave it.  All my friends at the Health Dept wish Bob well.  They have taken up a collection and it is much needed.  We leave for L.R.  Judy is easy to talk to and changes the conversation to positive, constructive things.  We eat and make lists all the way to L.R.  Bob is in CCU and again hooked up to multiple IV's and monitors.  Jim arrives from Phoenix, Lynn arrives from Wash D.C.  When Bob is stable we go home to do laundry, feed animals and make decisions.  I don't sleep well - I really want to be near Bob.  Dr. Hicks visits

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